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Teen gets into all 8 Ivy League schools

Choosing a college. It’s a tough decision for many students around the world when the time comes to select where you will hit the books after high school. It definitely won’t be easy for Ifeoma White-Thorpe, who has to make the

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A 2-year-old girl defends her choice of black doll

A young girl named Sophia Benner from South Carolina is going viral after her mom posted details about their shopping experience at Target on social media. The daughter of Brandi Benner was promised a “special prize” for completing potty training

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Yolanda Hadid explained why she didn’t want Gigi and Bella modeling before they turned 18

This article was originally published on It’s hard to imagine a time when Bella and Gigi Hadid weren’t strutting their stuff on the world modeling stage, but their mom has opened up to about how she maintained a normal

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Blac Chyna y Rob Kardashian publican unos videos subidos de tono

¿Pero no habían roto? Eso es lo que se muchos creían. Sin embargo, un nuevo video de Blac Chyna y Rob Kardashian comiéndose a besos vuelve a poner su ruptura en cuestión. El sábado, conocido como el día April’s Fool,

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The star of “13 Reasons Why” can’t wrap her head around how “normal” and down-to-earth Selena Gomez is

This article was originally published on Selena Gomez may be one of the most famous entertainers in the world — she’s the most followed person on Instagram currently with 115 MILLION followers — but, according to Katherine Langford, who stars in Selena’s

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Esta es la razón por la que Khloé Kardashian no usa bikini

SUSCRÍBETE A NUESTRO BOLETÍN Khloé Kardashian puede haber perdido 40 libras (y se siente y se ve mejor que nunca), pero no esperes verla en un bikini de dos piezas en ningún momento, por lo menos en el futuro inmediato.

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El caso de los Porkys indigna a los mexicanos

La absolución esta semana del joven Diego Cruz fue la gota que colmó el vaso de la indignación por la multitud de mexicanos cansados con la aparente impunidad ante la justicia de los adinerados y los poderosos de su país.

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Jennifer Lopez to perform for the first time in the Dominican Republic

Good news for Jennifer Lopez fans in the Dominican Republic as the Bronx-native singer will be performing in the Caribbean country for the first time. The Puerto Rican singer announced that she will be have a concert in DR resuming

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Mantenimiento del PC: herramientas freeware de análisis y limpieza

Si queremos hacer un buen mantenimiento del PC, en muchas ocasiones tendremos que ir más allá de las propias herramientas que nos da el propio Windows. Los sistemas operativos de Microsoft y programas con los que trabajamos a veces pueden

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Latina Entrepreneurs Meet with Trump to Discuss Minority Business Issues

On Monday morning, Hispanic business leaders had the opportunity to meet with President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, first daughter Ivanka Trump among other top administration officials. The U.S. President sat down at a roundtable discussion with Hispanic women

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